Book of Revelation (All 22 chapters)
Free PDF DownloadAll 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation from the New Testament of the New Jerusalem Bible included in PDF download. Added ‘Notes’ area for taking notes on each chapter. Great for classrooms, homeschool, and all studies.
The Apocalypse or Book of Revelation is the last Book in the collection of writings which make up the Holy Scripture or Bible. All the early patristic sources confirm that St John, the Apostle, is its author and it was written when he was on the Island of Patmos. The Book employs what is called “apocalyptic” language, which was popular in Jewish and Christian circles. It is a wonderful mystical book of hope, concerning the Second Coming of the Lord and the establishment of His eternal Kingdom at the end of time. The book should be read in prayer and is meant to inspire, not cause fear. Jesus triumphs.